Almost a year ago, I sent my first queries for Clubhouse and Clubhouse Jr. to Focus on the Family. It was such a thrill when, after working with the editors for a month or two, I submitted this fun quiz inspired by one of my favorite parables of Jesus and heard that they accepted it! Now, it’s finally here and out in print!

In Matthew 13, Jesus talks about the different soils and how each one affects the seeds that are planted there: One type of soil will not grow anything because it is too hard. Another soil will sprout the seed, but thorns and weeds will squelch it out or a lack of roots will prevent it from withstanding the harsh sun. Only fertile soil will allow the seed to sprout grow and flourish, eventually yielding a harvest. 

This quiz is a fun interpretation of that parable by using some real life examples to allow young readers to imagine how this parable might play out or show itself in their own lives. Of course, there is no right or wrong answer, but hopefully it is thought-provoking for them as they consider the inner-workings of their own faith!

You can find this quiz featured in the March 2022 issue of Clubhouse magazine from Focus on the Family, on pages 12-13.

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